Production of Cilantro Powder
Cilantro Powder usually is made from dried Coriandrum sativum leaf,but Root & seed can be used in some area. They would be added into all kinds of food in Asian, Caribbean, Indian and Latin American cuisine for a long ago.
芫荽(俗名:香菜、芫荽或中国香芹)是一种绿色草本植物,茎长而多汁,叶呈羽毛状。香菜的味道非常独特。香菜的味道非常独特,可以用辛辣、浓烈、清新和柠檬味来形容,"香菜 "一词来自西班牙语,指的是植物的绿叶。现在,越来越多的人将其用于厨房,如沙拉、汤、烤肉等。
项目 | 规格 | 测试方法 |
外观和颜色 气味和味道
网眼尺寸 |
Fine green powder
特征 NLT 90% 至 60 目 |
感官 60 目筛网 |
灰分含量 |
NMT 12.0%
NMT 12.0% |
5 克/105℃/2 小时
2g / 525℃ / 3 小时 |
保质期 | 2 年 | |
备注 | 存放在密封良好的容器中,远离潮湿、高温和强烈阳光。
包装纤维桶,内有两个塑料袋。25 公斤/桶。 |
Coriandrum sativum can be deemed a functional food due to its wide range of cardiovascular benefits such as antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic, antidiabetic, antiarrhythmic, hypolipidemic as well as analgesic effects.
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