Seit mehr als 20 Jahren auf Pflanzenextrakte spezialisiert;Seit mehr als 8 Jahren auf die Anpassung an Kundenwünsche spezialisiert

Stevia Powder

  • English name:

    Stevia powder

  • Botanical name:

    Stevia rebaudiana

  • Active ingredient:

    Steviosides/RA/Glucosylated Steviol Glycosides

  • Specification:

    90-95% Steviosides/75-97%RA/90%Glucosylated Steviol Glycosides

  • Appearance:

    Off-white powder

  • Introduction/Description
  • Specifications
  • Application

Product Introduction:

Stevia Powder

Stevia Powder is a new typed natural sweetener extracted from the composite herbage —stevia. Kosher Stevioside is a kind of good sweetener instead of cane sugar that can treat diabetes, hypertension partly and can also treat adiposity, cardiovascular disease, gastritis and acid stomach as an auxiliary method.

Product Specification of Stevia Powder:

Items Specifications Test Methods
Appearance & Color

Odor & Taste

Mesh Size

Fine white powder


NLT 90% through 80 mesh



80 Mesh Screen

Moisture Content

Ash Content

Heavy Metals

Arsenic (As)

Cadmium (Cd)

Mercury (Hg)

Lead (Pb)

Extract Solvent

NMT 5.0%

NMT 5.0%

NMT 10ppm

NMT 1ppm

NMT 1ppm

NMT 0.1ppm

NMT 3ppm

Grain alcohol/Water

5g / 105℃ / 2hrs

2g / 525℃ / 3hrs

Atomic Absorption

Atomic Absorption

Atomic Absorption

Atomic Absorption

Atomic Absorption


Total Plate Count

Total Yeast & Mold

E. Coli



NMT 10,000cfu/g

NMT 1,000cfu/g




Shelf Life 2 years
Remarks Store in a well-closed container away from moisture, heat and strong sun.

Packing: Fiber drums and two plastic-bags inside. 25kg/drum.


Product function and application:

1. Stevia Powder helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system

2. Assists in maintaining weight

3. Helps maintain a healthy oral system

4. Maintain healthy blood sugar levels

5. Promote metabolismand prevent decayed tooth

Application:Standalone Sweetener,In Foods and Beverages

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